Anaam Khuram, Developer in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
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Anaam Khuram

Verified Expert  in Engineering

React Developer

Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Toptal Member Since
January 26, 2022

Anaam is a front-end developer using her skills in React and its ecosystem to create complex web applications for various niches—from personal portfolios to SaaS applications. With her expertise in handling complex frameworks, HTML and CSS coding, design, and extensions, she meets every organization's front-facing needs. Anaam strives to make her products effective and eye-catching.


React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Jest, TypeScript, JavaScript, Storybook, Sass...
Haystack Insights Inc.
React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Formik, Charts, Next.js, Agile Workflow, Figma...
Tinloof GmbH
React, Next.js, Content Management Systems (CMS), Tailwind CSS, Shopify...




Preferred Environment

Windows, Slack, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...

...thing I've developed is a music player in React with all functionalities such as shuffle, play, and playlist for a sound architect's personal website.

Work Experience

Front-end Senior Software Engineer

2023 - 2024
  • Integrated the client's APIs with Power BI along with API key authentication, auto refresh scheduling, and incremental updates so that the client's customers can generate their own custom reports using the client's API.
  • Integrated and embedded Power BI reports into the web application using service principal authentication.
  • Tracked and fixed multiple bugs using Jira as the issue manager.
  • Implemented multiple features that required working with REST APIs, GraphQL APIs, functional programming, etc.
  • Fixed UI bugs related to multi-step forms that were ensured to be responsive and cross-browser compatible.
Technologies: React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Jest, TypeScript, JavaScript, Storybook, Sass, Firebase, GraphQL, Playwright, Power BI Embedded, Microsoft Power BI, Functional Programming, Functional Reactive Programming, REST APIs, Jira, Apollo Client, React Apollo, CSS Animations, Data Visualization, Postman, Software Engineering

Front-end Developer

2023 - 2023
Haystack Insights Inc.
  • Added new features to the existing web application with API integration and UI.
  • Restyled the UI components and layout and improved them based on new designs.
  • Fixed multiple bugs related to API integration and UI.
Technologies: React, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Formik, Charts, Next.js, Agile Workflow, Figma, GitHub, Axios, Storybook, Front-end Development, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Jest, Docker, REST, Git, Chart.js, Agile, HTML UI, APIs, React Query, UI Components, Design Systems, Context API, Front-end Design, API Integration, Jira, Transitions, Zustand, JSON, Analytics, Dashboards, JSX, Code Review, Asynchronous Programming, CSS3, Cross-browser Compatibility, Responsive Design, React Testing Library, CSS Animations, Data Visualization, SVG Animation, Recharts, Software Engineering

Senior Front-end Engineer

2023 - 2023
Tinloof GmbH
  • Worked as a senior front-end engineer on a project called Petratools.
  • Migrated a Shopify store to a custom storefront using Remix and Hydrogen.
  • Integrated Shopify products with Sanity and created modular structured dynamic pages.
  • Implemented the complete design using Tailwind CSS.
  • Used Algolia for implementing search, filtering, and sorting.
Technologies: React, Next.js, Content Management Systems (CMS), Tailwind CSS, Shopify, Algolia, SVG, HTML5, Slack, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), SQL, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Figma, Agile Workflow, TypeScript, UI Animation, Websites, Front-end, Shopping Carts, eCommerce, Headless Commerce, Headless Software, Checkout, Web Development, Auth, Full-stack, Landing Pages, Pixel Perfect, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Maps, Graphs, Mapbox GL, Mapbox, Frameworks, REST APIs, GitHub, Axios, Right-to-Left (RTL) Scripts, RTL, Arabic Typography, Front-end Development, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Remix, SEO Tools, Google Sign-in, REST, Mobile First, Git, Chart.js, HTML UI, APIs, Application State Management, Front-end Design, API Integration, CSS3 Animation, HTML5 Animations, Transitions, JSON, JSX, Code Review, Asynchronous Programming, CSS3, Cross-browser Compatibility, Responsive Design, Vercel, CSS Animations, Responsive Web Apps, Software Engineering

Senior Front-end Engineer

2022 - 2023
Tinloof GmbH
  • Worked on a project called Goalimpact, created using Remix, Sanity CMS, Supabase, and Stripe.
  • Created the entire front end and back end for the site.
  • Integrated authentication and database (with more than a million players) with Supabase.
  • Created the structure for modular pages with Sanity CMS.
  • Added eCommerce subscription functionality by integrating with Stripe.
  • Implemented a complex payment model with Stripe where a high one-time payment was charged for the first buy and subsequent lower subscription payments. The model also depended on the number of players a user is subscribed to.
  • Created charts in the front end using Apache ECharts.
  • Added search functionality with Algolia and configured webhooks for automatic updation.
Technologies: TypeScript, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, React, Web Development, Next.js, Supabase, Stripe API, Tailwind CSS, Shopify, Charts, Algolia, SVG, HTML5, Slack, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), SQL, Figma, Agile Workflow, UI Animation, Websites, Front-end, Web Dashboards, Data Visualization, Headless Software, Checkout, Auth, Full-stack, Landing Pages, Pixel Perfect, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Graphs, Mapbox GL, Mapbox, Frameworks, REST APIs, GitHub, Axios, Front-end Development, Server-side Rendering (SSR), Remix, SEO Tools, Google Sign-in, REST, Git, Chart.js, HTML UI, APIs, Application State Management, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design, API Integration, CSS3 Animation, HTML5 Animations, Transitions, JSON, Analytics, Stripe, Stripe Checkout, JSX, Code Review, Asynchronous Programming, CSS3, Cross-browser Compatibility, Responsive Design, Vercel, CSS Animations, SVG Animation, Responsive Web Apps, Software Engineering

React Expert

2022 - 2023
RBW Studio LLC
  • Developed various new features while integrating tools like Firebase, Sanity Snipcart, etc.
  • Added and modified modules for creating dynamic modular pages through Sanity.
  • Fixed multiple styling and responsiveness issues. Also, implemented new UIs.
  • Integrated Firebase Authentication and used Firebase functions for various purposes like form collection, tracking, etc.
  • Integrated various analytical tools and correctly configured them like GA, etc.
Technologies: React, Shopping Carts, Content Management Systems (CMS), eCommerce, JavaScript, Headless Commerce, Headless Software, Checkout, Gatsby, Tailwind CSS, HTML5, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), CSS, HTML, Agile Workflow, Sass, UI Animation, SCSS, Firebase, Websites, Front-end, GraphQL, Web Development, Algolia, Auth, Full-stack, Landing Pages, Pixel Perfect, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), REST APIs, GitHub, Axios, Front-end Development, ECMAScript (ES6), SEO Tools, Google Sign-in, Git, Agile, HTML UI, Amazon Web Services (AWS), APIs, React Query, Context API, API Integration, Jira, CSS3 Animation, HTML5 Animations, Transitions, JSON, Cloud Firestore, JSX, Code Refactoring, Asynchronous Programming, CSS3, Cross-browser Compatibility, Responsive Design, React Testing Library, JSON-LD, CSS Animations, SVG Animation, Responsive Web Apps, Software Engineering

Lead Front-end Developer

2021 - 2023
Tyke Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  • Developed a complete fintech app's front-end from scratch in three months.
  • Added an authentication system for two different types of users.
  • Created user dashboards along with the analytical charts and detailed investment portfolio details.
  • Optimized the site for SEO using meta tags, server-side rendering, image optimizations, and speed optimizations.
  • Created multi-step sign-up flows for user onboarding. Managed access restrictions based on the percentage of onboarding completed.
  • Implemented a fully functional rich text editor stored as HTML and rendered the same in other pages.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Next.js, CSS, HTML, Figma, TypeScript, Sass, React Redux, Material UI, SVG, HTML5, Slack, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Agile Workflow, UI Animation, SCSS, Websites, Redux, Webpack, Front-end, Web Dashboards, Data Visualization, Web Development, Charts, Auth, Landing Pages, Pixel Perfect, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Graphs, REST APIs, PDF, Formik, GitHub, React Router, Axios, Storybook, Front-end Development, ECMAScript (ES6), Server-side Rendering (SSR), Create React App, SEO Tools, Jest, Docker, REST, Git, Chart.js, Agile, HTML UI, Amazon Web Services (AWS), APIs, React Query, Application State Management, UI Components, Design Systems, Context API, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design, API Integration, Jira, CSS3 Animation, HTML5 Animations, JSON, Analytics, Dashboards, JSX, Code Refactoring, Code Review, Asynchronous Programming, CSS3, Cross-browser Compatibility, Responsive Design, JSON-LD, CSS Animations, SVG Animation, MUI CSS, Responsive Web Apps, Postman, Software Engineering

Front-end Developer

2020 - 2021
  • Developed a complete portfolio website for a game sound designer with headless CMS, custom-made music player, and videos from Vimeo.
  • Built the movie search app entirely in React, used the OMDb API to fetch movie data from search, added the option to check or uncheck the movie nomination, and completed the website design.
  • Used GSAP to add scroll transitions and animations to the website.
  • Created a map of Munich in SVG using Adobe Illustrator and added tooltips using JavaScript on hover.
  • Built a custom component with hover interactions and used jQuery to add them to a human model that showed various muscles in the body.
Technologies: JavaScript, React, Content Management Systems (CMS), CSS, GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP), SVG, jQuery, TypeScript, Sass, Tailwind CSS, HTML5, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), HTML, Styled-components, SCSS, Firebase, Websites, Webpack, Front-end, Web Development, Landing Pages, Pixel Perfect, User Interface (UI), GitHub, React Router, Axios, Front-end Development, Design, ECMAScript (ES6), Create React App, SEO Tools, Git, HTML UI, APIs, Application State Management, Context API, Front-end Architecture, Front-end Design, API Integration, JSON, Cloud Firestore, Dashboards, JSX, Asynchronous Programming, CSS3, Cross-browser Compatibility, Responsive Design, CSS Animations, SVG Animation, MUI CSS, Responsive Web Apps, Software Engineering

Goalimpact Website
Created the entire website from scratch, including the front and back end. The back end involved tools like Supabase for authentication and database, which involved more than a million players' data. At the same time, I used Stripe for payment processing. I developed the front end using React and Tailwind in Remix. Also, I implemented analytical charts using Apache ECharts.

The model that I implemented with Stripe was a complicated one where:
• The first-time payment was charged for the first buy, and the subsequent subscription amount was a percent of that amount.
• This also varied based on the number of players a user was subscribed to.

The search functionality was implemented using Algolia, where I configured webhooks for automatic updating. Further, I integrated the website with Sanity to create dynamic modular pages.

Petratools Website
For the Petratools website, I performed the following:
• Migrated the Shopify store to a custom storefront using Remix and Hydrogen.
• Integrated Sanity and Algolia with the products with automatic updation for easier content management and faster search, filtering, and sorting.
• Integrated dynamic modular pages with Sanity CMS.
• Created the entire UI from scratch using Tailwind and React.

Marketing Website for a Career Coach
A marketing website and sales funnel for a career coach. I designed and developed the entire site. It uses React and Next.js (app router), Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript.

The site has also integrated payment gateways like Razorpay and videos using Wistia. The SEO is optimized, and it is responsive and performant.

Overall, it's a beautiful website focused on conversion.

RBW Website
I worked on maintaining and updating the website and added many features like the sticky navbar, carousels for products, modular structure of product page, authentication forms, etc.

Also, I integrated the website with tools like Firebase Authentication, Snipcart, Firebase Functions, Sanity, etc.

Portfolio Website for a Sound Architect
I developed a portfolio website for a sound designer with the following features:
• Six custom click effects, each showing different cool effects that enable users to change them; ensured that the effects didn't work on things
like links and buttons.
• Completely custom-made music player with a different route for each song, remembered play state on song change, auto-play on song change, playlist functionality, smooth seeking, volume change, shuffle, and repeat.

Furthermore, I used a headless CMS for the content and custom sizing possibility, customized the CMS with, optimized the site for performance and responsiveness on the mobile, tablet, and desktop, ensured cross-browser compatibility, and created custom scrollbars.

React Table with a Star Wars API Implementation
A React website that shows a table of information fetched from SWAPI. It implements filtering and pagination and uses a canvas element to render a space-like background with moving stars and some other cool CSS animations and effects, like the Neon effect.

Turtle CSS Art
A turtle near the water setting made entirely with CSS. It's mostly responsive and shows a message asking users to view it on a big screen when viewed from phones or tablets. It also uses Sass cleverly to render repetitive elements with less code.


JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Sass, TypeScript, SCSS, HTML5, ECMAScript (ES6), CSS3, SQL, GraphQL


Next.js, Material UI, Redux, Tailwind CSS, Remix, MUI CSS, Jest


React, React Redux, Stripe API, Formik, React Router, Context API, Auth, Mapbox GL, REST APIs, Chart.js, Stripe, React Testing Library, Recharts, jQuery, Playwright, Apollo Client


Slack, GitHub, JSX, Figma, Webpack, Create React App, Git, Jira, Stripe Checkout, Make, Postman, Power BI Embedded, Microsoft Power BI, React Apollo


Code Refactoring, Asynchronous Programming, Agile Workflow, REST, Agile, Functional Programming, Functional Reactive Programming


Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Firebase, Algolia, Mapbox, Vercel, GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP), Shopify, Docker, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


JSON, Cloud Firestore, JSON-LD


Styled-components, Gatsby, Websites, Front-end, Data Visualization, Checkout, Web Development, Charts, Landing Pages, Pixel Perfect, User Interface (UI), Frameworks, PDF, Axios, Storybook, Front-end Development, Server-side Rendering (SSR), HTML UI, React Query, Application State Management, UI Components, Design Systems, Front-end Architecture, API Integration, Transitions, Dashboards, Cross-browser Compatibility, Responsive Design, CSS Animations, Responsive Web Apps, Software Engineering, Content Management Systems (CMS), UI Animation, Web Dashboards, Shopping Carts, eCommerce, Headless Commerce, Headless Software, Supabase, Full-stack, User Experience (UX), Maps, Graphs, Right-to-Left (RTL) Scripts, RTL, Arabic Typography, Design, SEO Tools, Mobile First, APIs, Front-end Design, CSS3 Animation, HTML5 Animations, Analytics, Code Review, SVG Animation, SVG, Google Sign-in, Sales Funnel, Payment APIs, Zustand

2017 - 2020

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Akkamahadevi Women's University - Vijaypur, Karnataka, India

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